
The lens of our eye is very clear in its normal state, through which light can be projected onto the retina, resembling the principles of camera lenses.

Cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye, by which the passing of light through the lens is impaired, resulting in blurred vision in the patient. Cataract patients see scattered lights or halos, and weakened colour brightness and contrasts. When driving at night, cataract patients easily become dazzled by the headlights of an oncoming car. The rate of progression of cataract depends on its location on the lens. Generally, cataract symptoms progress very slowly.


Causes of Cataract

Cataract is caused by many factors with aging of the lens being the most common, as well as congenital factors such as heredity, and acquired factors, for example, eye injuries, infections and diseases like glaucoma and diabetes. Prolonged steroid taking can also cause early development of cataract. Serious myopia can lead to early-onset cataract. The age of cataract patients is going down.



Blurred vision in Cataract patient


Cataract Prevention

So far, there is no way to prevent cataract caused by age since it is a result of the eye’s natural aging. But early onset of cataract and its deterioration can be prevented and the advices are:

Wear regular glasses or sunglasses that offer UVA and UVB protection to prevent or delay the development and progression of cataract.
For diabetic patients, they should control their blood sugar level well.
When working or exercising, pay special attention to eye safety to prevent traumatic cataract.
Follow a balanced diet. Do not smoke.

Have eye examination regularly.

Nevertheless, having the eyes examined regularly is critical. Your ophthalmologist will tell you whether it is cataract or other eye disorders that are causing the vision loss, and will help you decide if cataract surgery is needed.


Cataract Treatment

At present there is no medication to treat cataract. The single most effective way is to surgically remove the cloudy cataract and implant an intraocular lens. Patients should consider factors including whether the cataract affects their daily lives and work, and they should discuss with their doctors when to have the surgery. You should not wait until the cataract is fully developed to undergo the surgery because that will increase surgical risks.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for reference only. They are not, and should not be used as, diagnoses, medical treatments or recommendations for any drug. For enquiries, please contact Champion Eye Centre.