standard-title Ptosis



Ptosis is drooping of the upper eyelid, caused by abnormal development or weakness of the eyelid levator muscle, which can be congenital or acquired.


Congenital ptosis: The patient is born with ptosis, caused by dysplasia of the levator.


Acquired ptosis:

Senile ptosis: Mostly involves middle-aged to elderly patients, caused by weakness of the eyelid levator muscle.

Traumatic ptosis: Caused by injuries to the eyelid levator muscle.

Myasthenia gravis, stroke or diabetes: These diseases may cause ptosis.


1. Ptosis can be corrected by surgically removing the excess eyelid skin. The surgery is normally performed under local anesthesia while general anesthesia is required for children.
2. If the eyelid levator muscle is too week, the surgeon will attach the eyelid under the eyebrow with surgical sutures, materials such as silicone strips or tissue taken from the patient’s body, which will allow the forehead muscles to lift the eyelid.

While ptosis surgery cannot produce perfect results, patient satisfaction is attained in most cases. Nevertheless, it is not easy to achieve symmetry between the two eyelids.

Ptosis not only affects the outlook but also quality of life. Since the drooping eyelid obscures vision, the patient tends to raise their eyebrows very often, which causes forehead wrinkles and increases fatigue from work. If symptoms are spotted, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible and have the ptosis corrected by surgery.


Before surgery

After surgery
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for reference only. They are not, and should not be used as, diagnoses, medical treatments or recommendations for any drug. For enquiries, please contact Champion Eye Centre.